DCC decoder fitting

Started by 1018509, August 31, 2013, 11:18:40 AM

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I have two of Graham Farish's  models No. 371-886 Class 108 DMU 3-car which require decoder fitting (4 in all). I have the decoders but am unable to get the bodies off to fit them. Is it likely that if I take the units and decoders to The International N Gauge Show on Saturday that I will find someone able to fit them for me?


I've actually done it.
I realised that a thumbnail under the body at both sides - the non drive end - a gentle pull and the chassis almost drops out. Hooray my 2, 3 car, class 108's are now DCC enabled.  :claphappy:


well done,

I have 4 of these and every time I have fit the decoders I had forgotten just how to get them apart. As you say when you get it just right they almost fall apart but seems to take me ages to find just the right spot to get my nails under.

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.


lil chris

Thanks for this I just purchased a 108 DMU yesterday, I was wondering how to chip it.
Lil Chris
My new layout  East Lancashire Railway
My old layout was Irwell Valley Railway.
Layout previous was East Lancashire Lines, changed this new one. My new layout here.


Do you know if the 101 body come off in the same fashion?

I ask because I have one that will have to be chipped at some point.



101 and 108 come off in exactly the same way.  I use a craft knife instead of finger nails as I like to keep my nails intact but be very careful you don't let it slip as you can easily scratch the body or yourself.  Red markings all over the body will certainly detract from their appearance  :D
layout here
Claywell, High Hackton & Bampney Intro
Hackton info
Bampney info


Thanks Caz

I agree that blood red weathering is not a good idea.


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