Going Loco over Steam

Started by Jess, December 29, 2011, 03:11:39 AM

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Not 100% sure this is where to put this, but oh well. It can be moved if necessary :P

Just wanted to share with you guys pictures of my steam locomotives etc. I'm not too up on the technicalities of models but I'm learning :)

My first train - the lone American steam!

The boy got this one for me. It's a Spectrum Steam USRA Light 4-8-2 Mountain. It runs well. Wouldn't win any speed races, but it paces itself nicely, which I suppose is good. I don't have any proper carriages for it yet, need some for the right era.

Flying Scotsman

I bid for this on ebay and won! It's a used locomotive and a teensy bit weathered, but it's beautiful. It's a Graham Farish A3 class 'Flying Scotsman', BR 60103 4-6-2. It needed a bit of cleaning before it ran, but BOY did she run!!! (or flew, rather :P). Very happy with that. It's funny comparing the relative size of the Scotsman to the American train.

B1 Classes - black & green

Graham Farish B1 4-6-0 61139 BR, sitting on a small section of straight KATO Unitrack with a few scenic items.

Don't have a picture of the green B1 4-6-0 1000 LNER 'Springbok', but it looks like this (I'm sure most of you have seen it before).

When the BF and I went to SANGS (South Australian N-Gauge Society) we brought some of our trains to test on their in-house layout as we don't have one set-up at home yet. We're planning to join them soon, and it was nice of them to let us use their layout! But anyway, I only brought in the American steam, Scotsman, and the green LNER to test. Since the green & black B1s were bought brand new from ebay, I figured they would both run similarly so I just took the LNER. She ran fantastically. Not as fast as the Scotsman but still bloody good! haha. The teak carriages you see attached to the black BR in the photos were what I used with the LNER, and they suit her probably better than the BR black. :)

I have just ordered a Class 57xx BR 0-6-0 pannier tank (#5757) from ehattons. This one here. I can't wait! It's gorgeous. I would have loved a green GWR pannier tank (like Duck from Thomas the Tank!) but I couldn't find one that was N-scale.

So that's it for now! As you can see I'm not too pedantic about making sure they're from a specific time period, but we will be modelling predominantly British (despite the American steam I have!).


Nice models! I also have some US locos, and I've concocted a suitable fiction to account for their presence - but do be aware of the scale difference. US N gauge is 1:160, while British is 1:148. That means, in comparison, US locos (and rolling stock) are about 8% smaller than they "should" be, in each dimension. So the real Flying Scotsman and Mountain are more different in size than your models appear. Nothing to get upset about, but worth bearing in mind.

- Michael


Quote from: ToothFairy on December 29, 2011, 04:20:16 AM
Nice models! I also have some US locos, and I've concocted a suitable fiction to account for their presence - but do be aware of the scale difference. US N gauge is 1:160, while British is 1:148. That means, in comparison, US locos (and rolling stock) are about 8% smaller than they "should" be, in each dimension. So the real Flying Scotsman and Mountain are more different in size than your models appear. Nothing to get upset about, but worth bearing in mind.

- Michael
Thanks Michael! :)

Yes, that rings a bell now. I think the boyfriend told me about the scale difference, 'cause I mentioned it to him when I was comparing the two locos. The Mountain is probably the only U.S. steam I'll have, so I'm not too bothered about it :)


Quote from: Jess on December 29, 2011, 03:11:39 AM
Flying Scotsman

I bid for this on ebay and won! It's a used locomotive and a teensy bit weathered, but it's beautiful. It's a Graham Farish A3 class 'Flying Scotsman', BR 60103 4-6-2. It needed a bit of cleaning before it ran, but BOY did she run!!! (or flew, rather  :P). Very happy with that.

I have the old Farish Scotsman in Apple Green wearing number 4472, and yes they do shift!  ;D

Here's a slightly rough video of mine taking part in some preliminary track-testing:-

Flying Scotsman - N Gauge

It's the only kettle I have as I model diesel, but a Railtour is a good excuse to deviate a little  ;)



Paul, have you worked out what the scale speed is?, (hold very tight please) and what size layout is that? :o. Cheers john.


That Southern 4-8-2  is a great looking loco, would look fantastic with half a dozen stainless steel coaches behind it.
Keep on Smiling


Thanks for posting the pics Jess :camera: Luvverly.
Keep your ears to the ground for Dapol's new steamers :thumbsup:


Quote from: painbrook on December 29, 2011, 07:46:29 PM
Paul, have you worked out what the scale speed is?, (hold very tight please) and what size layout is that? :o. Cheers john.

Haven't worked out the scale speed but I'm guessing it would be over the ton  ;D

Layout is 12' x3'  :)



Quote from: Sprintex on December 29, 2011, 04:46:53 PM
I have the old Farish Scotsman in Apple Green wearing number 4472, and yes they do shift!  ;D

Here's a slightly rough video of mine taking part in some preliminary track-testing:-

Flying Scotsman - N Gauge

It's the only kettle I have as I model diesel, but a Railtour is a good excuse to deviate a little  ;)


Ohhh nice one Paul, she's gorgeous! Haha, that's as good an excuse as any :P

Quote from: oldrailbug on December 29, 2011, 07:56:28 PM
That Southern 4-8-2  is a great looking loco, would look fantastic with half a dozen stainless steel coaches behind it.
Yeah, I really like it. Ahhh, I did buy some silver Concor passenger railcars but they're the wrong 'era' for the train, so I want to order some different ones :) But they look nice with it, regardless!!

Quote from: newportnobby on December 29, 2011, 08:16:27 PM
Thanks for posting the pics Jess :camera: Luvverly.
Keep your ears to the ground for Dapol's new steamers :thumbsup:
Not a problem!! :D
Oooh okay, thanks for the heads up ;)

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