The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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This is the place to let of steam about anything that angers you!

I hate stupid tv programs that my trainee wife watches; cougar town, the hills, glee ,sex and the city,90210,  >:( >:( >:(

the small print!
Just make sure its not in anyway offensive or directed at anybody on the forum..

Claude Dreyfus

A rant thread...fantastic!  ;D It just so happens that I have a grumble especially saved up for this!

At the moment I have a number of colleagues from the continent visiting for a project I am working on. Two of them arrived yesterday and I took the opportunity to order lunch through one of the PAs. Just an ordinary lunch - sandwiches, crisps, a few cakes and some drinks. Sure, there were a number of us - 16 all told - but this is not excessive.

At the end of the day I was presented with the invoice for me to sign-off and charge against my project...what I saw left me stunned!


That equates to £12.50 per head. Had I known this, I would have taken £50.00 and gone down to the local supermarket and grabbed enough food to more than cater for the numbers - and appetites - involved. I know it's not my money, and that my company has made a several hundred million dollar profit in the past financial year, but some people really take the wee-wee.

I hate being ripped off...irrespective whose money it is. I hate the fact that hotels think they can charge £10.00 for a bit of toast, or special arrangements with travel companies means you end up paying waaay over the odds (last year I made the mistake of booking my own flights and hotel for a business trip to Sweden...I got told off for not going through the correct channels; even though I could demonstrate that my 'breach' had actually saved the company over £250.00!!!).

I hate taxi and private hire companies that lump on that bit extra when thay learn you are travelling on business, or airports that charge you £5.20 in the short-term carpark with tiny bays that cannot accomodate a Fiat 500, let alone a dirty great Volvo, for a 40 minute stay...just because they can. It's Gatwick for Christ's sake, not the middle of Tokyo...there's tons of space around...its not at a premium here!!

The more I travel on company business, the more charlatans, shysters and chancers I seem to come across.

And that is my rant for the day....

I thank you...


I guess everyone dislikes certain things in life but for me its Banks and their high fees, Oil Companies ripping people off, Supermarkets making disgusting profits, Drug Companies charging the earth for what is life saving medication for some.

Nothing bugs me worse than manufacturers releasing new models of things like Digital Cameras and Computerised things more often than some people change their underpants, this continual plundering greed on peoples wallets and purses is sickening.

Last of all I hate the fact that here in Australia the gap between the haves and have nots had grown so wide, on one hand we have these stuck up Yuppies snubbing their noses at everyone and everything, on the other hand we have people barely surviving on their earnings and getting slugged by massive electricity bills and such.

Other than that I guess I have my health at the moment and to me that is the most important, the rest is just a fact of modern day living, would also be nice to see people become more tolerant to each other, its just as easy to say something nice to someone as it is to say something bad.
Keep on Smiling


I've just been doing some soldering on the new layout.  I HATE SOLDERING!!!!  The amount of times that the solder came off of the rails. >:( >:( >:(

Then I remembered, that although the solder has flux in it, I needed to use more flux.  Then it stuck solid as a rock ;D

Tomorrows job also involves soldering in the electrical power unit for my CCTV on the house. ::)  I need to remove the 500mA fuses and put in 1A fuses - as the new cameras are too powerful compared to the old'uns.


Quote from: Tank on March 30, 2011, 01:35:46 PM
I've just been doing some soldering on the new layout.  I HATE SOLDERING!!!!  The amount of times that the solder came off of the rails. >:( >:( >:(

And there was me about to start a 'Joy of Soldering' thread................................


 ;D  I'm just glad that it's not warmer, as I was in the workshop, and the doctors surgery is next kiddies to hear my cursing!   >:(    :thumbsup:

I'd appreciate a tutorial to help me improve. :beers:


Quote from: findus on March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM
This is the place to let of steam about anything that angers you!

I hate stupid tv programs that my trainee wife watches; cougar town, the hills, glee ,sex and the city,90210,  >:( >:( >:(

the small print!
Just make sure its not in anyway offensive or directed at anybody on the forum..

Just like my missus I hate the programmes she watches

Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.


Quote from: owl729 on March 30, 2011, 09:37:47 PM
Quote from: findus on March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM
This is the place to let of steam about anything that angers you!

I hate stupid tv programs that my trainee wife watches; cougar town, the hills, glee ,sex and the city,90210,  >:( >:( >:(

the small print!
Just make sure its not in anyway offensive or directed at anybody on the forum..

Just like my missus I hate the programmes she watches

I actually feel dumber for watching it!  :smiley-laughing:


Wedding plans  >:( >:( >:(  is there ever going to be any end to the cost?

the worst part is im paying and the only thing i get out of this is a new ball and chain  ???


I'll wind you up about that on Saturday!  I used to hate it, as it was all the Mrs would talk about. ::)     :D


Quote from: findus on March 31, 2011, 01:49:39 PM
Wedding plans  >:( >:( >:(  is there ever going to be any end to the cost?

Yep, cancel it  :evil:

One way or another it will work out cheaper in the long run  :smiley-laughing: :smiley-laughing:


I'm currently full of cold and I hate it 'cos I can't concentrate on doing any modelling!
There, rant over. Feel better already.
Personal motto: You don't have to be mad to be a modeller, but I find it helps!

My Irish layout here

My Edwardian Seaside Layout here

My Backscene painting tutorial here


Literally brought my layout in from the workshop, connected up the wires to the Prodigy Advance 2, and BANG!  The lights in my lounge have gone out.   >:( :thumbsdown:  In the dark now.  I'll have to check the layout out in the morning.  Too much effort at this time of night!!!!


The forum went against my idea  :P 

and tank has got away with the extra work load  :thumbsdown:

:smiley-laughing: :smiley-laughing:


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