The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Only joking you do a very good job and dont need the extra work!  :-*


Traffic jam on the M6. Was working in Birmingham today, I even left early but guess what? Stuck in a jam!!!!!!!! ironically the stretch of motor way i was on was directly above Washwood Heath railfreight yard and I could see all the trains go by under me, mocking me with their speed compared to mine.................................... :(

Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.


I hate it when you're ironing (not solder) and the phone rings!

Bloody hurts :evil:



What a day at work.. Trying to make a booking for a patient and i ask there name, "colin" he replies, so i type colin into my computer and nothing comes up so i ask are you sure its under that name "yes im sure, i have been here many times" ok try again and nothing.. so i ask for his name once more "its thomas" he says  ???  i asked why did he not say that the first time, he says that he does not like to give his real name to people he has only just met!! And to top it off after all that he then descovers he is in the wrong opticians  >:( 

Walking home from work i pass over newbury rail station and nothing really ever passes through apart from today, the only day i get out 10 mins later from work.
All i see is the tail end of a steam engine and a Ews class 67  >:( >:(

Can my patients not understand closing time.. If your going blind do it when im open!!

and for the final event, i arrive home to start my ballasting and thought i would test the electrics and end up having a small forest fire :( my cdu went up in smoke!!

>:( >:(

Final thoughts anybody called colin/thomas stay well away!!  anybody with detail on what engine i missed would be great..
I think i will model a fire scene on the corner of my layout for the competition  8) I looks life like... Oh wait it is  :(


A few minor things that annoy me:

When the glue glues itself up,

When you run out of something and need more to continue, but it has to wait until you go to the model shop next,

Nicknames given to diesel engines by mad enthusiasts - you are not 'cool' because you call a class 66 a 'shed', or worse still, a freightliner 66 a 'fred'!

Washing the dishes

and loads more that arn't appropriate for this forum!



Dog Sh#t, I stood in some today. :thumbsdown:

Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.


Even Worse! I had to scrape the dried Dog Sh#t out of the tread of my boot this morning to prevent me smelling like dog toffee all day. It got even more worse than that..........................................................I did a rural job this afternoon and had to cross a field hence I ended up stepping in a massive cowpatt!!!!!! :thumbsdown: :( :( :thumbsdown:

Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.


Massive cow pat  :smiley-laughing: :smiley-laughing: :smiley-laughing:

Makes me feel a little better now  :thumbsup:


After an afternoon spent nudging vector cutting guides over a bitmap, finally printing and cutting some sides and then finding they are 1mm too tall, you could say I'm pretty narked off with the Class 312!

It's all fixed now but what a total migraine-inducer  >:(

I should have some prototype 312 pics ready soon!
Best Regards,
Adam Warr
Peterborough, UK


Quote from: findus on April 14, 2011, 09:48:51 PM
Massive cow pat  :smiley-laughing: :smiley-laughing: :smiley-laughing:

Makes me feel a little better now  :thumbsup:

Thats two days in the row now involving poo. The way it's going I reckon it's gonna be a sh#t weekend for me.............. :(

Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.


remember the army saying " always in the s##t, it`s just the depth that varies
anyway take it home for the garden, it`s good for the roses.

as for me, started new job on monday, found out the fire extinguishers on the truck did not have the next service date on em, the brush was missing, no fuel site book, the cab phone was a P.D.A. one and you need a driver number to make the thing work ( guess who did not have one) got down to tilbury and the fuel card did not work, later on in the week had to buy 20 litres of adblue out of me own pocket as none of the depots did not stock any, and life goes on :D
am I there yet


 >:(  I`m fuming.
Went up to London early this morning to take my place in the Virgin London Marathon and got turned away :-[
Seems I dont qualify just because they found out that I lost my viginity years ago and I`m not from London......... so...........
1......not a virgin
2.....not from London  ::)
John A GOM personified
N Gauge can seriously damage your wealth.
Never force things. Just use a bigger hammer
Electronically and spelling dyslexic 
Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards


Unlucky mate. :thumbsdown:  I just finished the marathon and am now enjoying a cup of tea.  Another medal to send to Cash4Gold! ::) ;D


I like mars bars better than marathons :smiley-laughing: :wave:
am I there yet

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