Why Did You Choose to Model N Gauge?.

Started by longbridge, November 22, 2011, 10:06:14 PM

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Oh and seeing the work of Ray Taylor and his partner tipped it for me.


Mostly space..
I had 00 when young, but have always wanted N as it seemed more realistic.
Now I am starting again with a view to building it with my grandson.


recently my neighbour asked me to have a look at a hornby 8f he had found when clearing out his late fathers house. i cleaned it up and got it going.  but it was like holding a concrete block compared to my n gauge locos.
i used to be indecisive...but now i'm not so sure.


Quote from: rogerkt on June 26, 2020, 04:31:14 PM
Mostly space..
I had 00 when young, but have always wanted N as it seemed more realistic.
Now I am starting again with a view to building it with my grandson.

At least you didn't say "building it for my grandson" as we all know that's a poor excuse ;)


I have a terrible 'I want that' mentality when I see something interesting. I was in Edinburgh last year, (for a cup of tea at Hollyrood House), and was out early the morning of the event for a wander with the camera. I made the fatal mistake of wondering if Harburn Hobbies was in the same place, spotted the Farish Highlander set in the window and that was me away down the road, justifying to myself that it was a great idea to buy one.
I eventually got one from TMC in March this year, just as Covid-19 was rearing its ugly head. I hate YouTube, it's cost me a small fortune since March but, probably saved a fair bit too in making my own scenery out of sponges and lichens gathered up the woods... :)


As a child my Dad occasionally got out the small collection of OO/HO trains and track, a mixture of all types and manufacturers. This fitted on the large extendable dining table but was very limited. We enjoyed many hours passing sweets round the track and would very occasionally be allowed to control the train! :-) At the age of about 10, I decided I would like my own layout and saved my pocket money and decided N gauge was the way to do it. This could then be a fixed layout kept under my single bed! 40 plus years later and I'm thinking of returning to some modelling. I still have the original items I bought, though the layout board has long gone. I discovered that most of these items are not that good in true scale sense. I have mainly Lima products, boxed and with the original price on some. (EG Class 31 loco in BR Blue priced at £11.50) I have joined the forum to see whether I can afford to do this. Look forward to reliving my childhood.....


If you can sell the Lima for a good price, sell em.  :thumbsup:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: Bealman on July 10, 2020, 09:36:06 AM
If you can sell the Lima for a good price, sell em.  :thumbsup:

Never! I have looked after these from the day I bought them. I just couldn't sell them :-)


Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


I have a host of unboxed Lima MK1 coaches which are probably worthless now. I've taken them to a couple of meet ups but no one's interested in them. Chances are they'll be heading for the bin.


Hence my suggestion... if they can be unloaded to a collector for a good price, that can go to serious modelling!  :thumbsup:

However, it's often difficult to part with models that hold nostalgia.
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


I have a lima class 31 unashamedly but it was a gift when I was young, albeit 5, i still  have her. Now older and can recognise lima locos were not rated, poor runners, had basic mechanisms, overscale. Compared to the lima Deltic which was overscale 1 : 160 compared to 1 : 148 and looked horrendous. Both sit not working in my shed scene. I had to say glad when farish came into my knowledge . I do have mk1s and remember them the Freightliner wagons but will look to update once I can safely attend a show or buy revolution trains , however tad modern up to date. Mick @Newportnobby are they blue / grey , maroon or otherwise ? Tank's show last year at purley, I seem to remember had secondhand stall and when I asked the chap his reply was ' make me an offer ' . Ok. On inspection the coach buffers were missing and I'm not sure what the previous owner had done to the loco apart from ( censored ) made a mess


Good point george has made. I do know one or two companies are on the look out for second hand and buy / sell but whether due to present circumstances they are answering is a different matter

silly moo

I have a Lima Deltic that I keep to remind me of how much the quality of N gauge rolling stock has improved  :D

I used to have a long rake of Lima mk1 coaches which despite being underscale ran much better than the Farish equivalents on my old club's modular layout which had rather iffy trackwork.

I've kept my overscale Lima brake vans to go with Tomix Thomas the Tank who is also overscale. I've also hung on to a large rake of Lima mineral wagons which I have practiced weathering on.

Some of the Lima offerings weren't too bad for the time.



Quote from: Bealman on July 10, 2020, 10:00:20 AM
Cool! Do they work?
Not tried them yet to be honest. I have the original Lima controller too, although unboxed. I will be keeping them for sentimental reasons, along with all my Dad's OO/HO. Will get round to trying them at some point and let you know! :-)

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