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Started by longbridge, June 30, 2012, 09:05:24 AM

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I vowed I'd never do it, but I bought a blue class 101 mint lights etc dcc ready!!!! £40 happy days :)


Blue. Wash yer mouth out, SwissTony. But the price was right, I guess.  :beers:

Good buy there too, Minzapint. The Q1's were that ugly they were awesome.  :beers: Although after Melbourne Cup day yesterday I think I'll be taking it easy today. I have an MRI scan scheduled for later and have to fast for that anyway. Might buy a Q1 with me winnings - although with the price of locos off the shelf here I should have put more money on the horse!!  :bounce:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


It won't stay blue for any longer than the time it takes to strip it back to base and airbrush it to Brunswick :D I've already ordered some new decals ready ;)


Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Picked up these two little beauties today, another Bachfar Fowler 4F and a Minitrix 2MT, the 4F runs OK but I have already ordered a tender pickup kit for it, the little Ivatt 2MT runs beautifully, quiet, smooth and creeps along very well the way every N Gauge loco should.

Keep on Smiling


Beautiful  locos Dave   :thumbsup: look forward to seeing them  on the layout    ;)


OMG Dave

You're gonna have me digging in my drawers again. (eek)

I have an old Minitrix Ivatt somewhere. Actually two - the tender job and the tank version. When I think about it, they  were both good runners. The scale and details are questionable, but back then, they were the only options! Also back then, they ran heaps better than any Brit-produced product.

Looks like a good buy to me, mate.

Rainin' at the Gabba today?

Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: bealman on November 10, 2012, 10:50:20 AM
OMG Dave

You're gonna have me digging in my drawers again. (eek)

I have an old Minitrix Ivatt somewhere. Actually two - the tender job and the tank version. When I think about it, they  were both good runners. The scale and details are questionable, but back then, they were the only options! Also back then, they ran heaps better than any Brit-produced product.

Looks like a good buy to me, mate.

Rainin' at the Gabba today?


Absolutely teemed down with rain for a few hours today George, the cticket must have been a wash out  :thumbsdown:
Keep on Smiling


Yep, saw it on the news later on today. But back on the subject... I'll dig out that little Ivatt tomorrow and see if it still runs. Weren't they nicknamed "mickey mouse?" Or am I thinking of some other loco?

Anyway I seem to recall that the front face of the boiler popped off quite easily and at one point I considered fashioning a face from Milliput, bunging it on the front, painting it red, and calling it James.....

On a serious note, I did manage a to get a photo of the little beastie crossing onto the mainline of my layout in a copy of Railway Modeller. Jan 95, 96? Nowt good about getting old.. memory not what it was.

Maybe it's just numb from spending most of the day writing high school reports - and I'm supposed to be retired!

Cheers George.
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: bealman on November 10, 2012, 12:14:13 PM
Yep, saw it on the news later on today. But back on the subject... I'll dig out that little Ivatt tomorrow and see if it still runs. Weren't they nicknamed "mickey mouse?" Or am I thinking of some other loco?

Cheers George.

Hi George,
Your memory isn't as bad as you think - the Ivatt was indeed referred to as the 'Mickey Mouse' :thumbsup:

There are loads of us still waiting for the new Farish version >:(


Thanks for that, NPN. The link is very interesting, though it doesn't say how or why the nickname came about. I notice there is a reference there to what I presume is a book or journal.

Nice to know that my memory isn't that bad, although I can't for the life of me remember just HOW I came to know that!  :hmmm:

I'm sure the Farish one will be ace but for now I'm hangin' out for the blue pullman...  :drool:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Well the man in the red van dropped this of today  :D :D :D

Very happy with it, one thing.........Can anyone tell me if i can convert it to DCC or know of any one that Can?


Ian  :NGaugersRule:


Anything can be converted given enough patience!



Great looking train Ian, pleased you are happy with it  :thumbsup:
Keep on Smiling


Quote from: iank84 on November 15, 2012, 07:05:18 PM

Very happy with it, one thing.........Can anyone tell me if i can convert it to DCC or know of any one that Can?


Ian  :NGaugersRule:

I cant help think the tractors are slightly out of scale  :laughabovepost:

Looks fantastic, used to run one at work and I loved how smooth it was.
OK who took my cake?

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