Recomendations for computer program dealing with scale drawings

Started by Jollybob, May 12, 2023, 12:43:50 PM

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Hi guys, oh i hope that this is the most appropriate area for this subject?

I am thinking of getting a computer program where I can scan images, like scale drawings and see if I can shrink them down in order to print them off, which would certainly help when building models. Therefore i can model them a bit easier. Any ideas?
I'm a complete novice when it comes to this. I suspect  most programs can probably do this but I wouldn't know where to start?
Any suggestions would be grand.

Rob.  :D

Ali Smith

What I do is scan the drawing, then print it out. Your printer's software will probably allow you to print out at a percentage of the size of the original. For instance if you wanted a 2mm scale drawing from a 4mm scale drawing print at 50%.
British N gauge is 2.06mm/ft so you would go a little bit larger. I'll let you do the sums; your computer has a calculator in it I'm sure.
Before you start, make sure your original drawing really is to the stated scale by measuring known dimensions both vertically and horizontally as the printing process can change size and proportions, plus the master drawing might even be wrong. Draughtsmen have been known to make mistakes. Do the same with your finished drawing before working to it.
Try this before you go shopping for software; you probably already have all you need.

Good luck,

Ali (not a computer expert)


The free software for the Silhouette Portrait cutter is very usable for converting drawings,etc. You can import a scanned or photo image, resize it in the software and then do what you want with it. I find it really useful for making bits for locos etc if I have a drawing. You can also zoom right in on a drawing and get a better view of things to get dimensions right. Just search for it online and it's a free download. You can output the files in other formats too.


Builder of "Brickmakers Lane" and member of "James Street" operating team.


You don't really need any special software, any photo/image editor should be able to do the resizing.  Most computers come with some form of basic image editor. 

If you have the original hard copy image, check some sample dimensions with a rule and work out what those dimensions should be in your chosen scale as a percentage re-size.   Scan the image at 100%, open in windows Paint, re-size by the percentage you calculated, and save a copy.  Print the resized copy making sure your printer settings are scaling at 100% (not "fit to page") so no further re-sizing occurs.

If you have a multifunction printer with copier function you can probably do the re-sizing as part of doing the scan/copy and bypass the computer altogether.
Nick.   2021 celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Königshafen" exhibition layout!


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