Noisy Class 42

Started by Bikeracer, August 02, 2011, 07:21:55 AM

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My Class 42 Warship arrived yesterday and I've given it between three quaters of an hour and an hour in each direction at a medium speed as recommended.

There's a persistent whine in both directions that gets noisier as the speed increases,I don't know if this is from the drive train or the motor,but it seems excessively noisy after my 108 DMU.

Is this normal or would I be better sending it back.I don't know what is acceptable or not and I'm hoping forum members with experience of Farish diesels can perhaps advise me.
I don't want to be picky,but after having two steam engines that should have been sent back and ended up unusable I don't feel like accepting anything I'm not hundred percent happy with.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


Have you lubricated the loco at all?


Quote from: Tank on August 02, 2011, 08:56:44 AM
Have you lubricated the loco at all?

No, I haven't done anything to it.I was under the impression that oiling is only needed after a certain amount of running.
I have oil,but not any special grease.
The body has not been removed because I'm worried about damaging something and then being unable to return it if necessary.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


You must oil the loco's when you get them.  It should say what to do in the paperwork with the loco, but if not:-  Turn it upside down and put a tiny amount of oil on the gears that you can see on the bogies.  Once you start running them the oil will work it's way round the other gears.

I hope this solves your problem.   :thumbsup:


I'll go and do that now and see if it makes a difference.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


There is absolutely nothing visible to oil without taking the loco apart.
I took the shell off and to get at anything it means prizing things apart which I'm not prepared to do,there are no screwed together parts.I tried gently pulling at various places but to no avail.

Anyway it's now on it's way to the post office to return it.

Dunno whether to try another one or a different class.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


Quote from: Tank on August 02, 2011, 09:33:06 AM
You must oil the loco's when you get them.  It should say what to do in the paperwork with the loco, but if not:-  Turn it upside down and put a tiny amount of oil on the gears that you can see on the bogies.  Once you start running them the oil will work it's way round the other gears.

I hope this solves your problem.   :thumbsup:

I'm not 100% sure 'cos I'm at work (ssshhhh) but I do not recall any instruction with a Farish loco to oil before running (Dapol yes).
Certainly I have never lubricated them straight from the box. ???


Some locos must be lubricated when you buy them, some Dapol locos for example which have transport grease. Others must not be lubricated, such as some Kato locos. Some must never be lubricated. You need to read the instructions that come with the locos, or check the manufacturers websites.

Dr Al

Quote from: Tank on August 02, 2011, 09:33:06 AM
You must oil the loco's when you get them.

Depends on the manufacturer. Generally Bachmann Farish locos are factory lubricated and as such should run straight from the box. Of course this factory lubrication isn't always great so a little additional oiling can be beneficial - particularly on the worm bearings.

Whines generally don't come from gears so oiling these is unlikely to solve a problem - it's almost certainly a worm bearing or motor bearing lacking lubrication.

Also, all the new Bach-far designs have enclosed gearing meaning that the bogies need to be unclipped to lubricate this. This should pose no fear though, as they are designed to do this and just need a gentle tug to get them off. You do not need to dismantle the chassis.

Best Regards,
Quote from: Roy L S
If Dr Al is online he may be able to provide a more comprehensive answer.

"We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces."Dr. Carl Sagan


The warships I have are silent or barely make any sound.


Forgot to say, some may need oil, others may need grease as shown in my other post from the Labelle guy.


Replacement Warship arrived yesterday,initial impression was that it was better,but still a bit noisy.After running in this is now down to an acceptable level.

As Dr.AL said,the bogies pull out with a pull downwards and this exposes the gears and worms.I redistributed what grease I could see and put a drop of oil on each end of the worm shaft.

I've also ordered some Labelle oil and grease as recommended by Poliss.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.

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