Started by guest311, May 11, 2021, 03:40:37 PM

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while we all admire and support the NHS staff in our hospitals, might I respectfully suggest another set of heroes.

the patient transport guys, and gals.

day after day they transport patients to and and from outpatient  appointments, or to admissions,  not knowing, or apparently worrying, about their passenger's status.

over the last few days SWMBO has been taken to and from tests at Guy's hospital, and today taken in for surgery.

EVERY driver has  been kind, friendly and, lets be honest, risking his/ her life to provide this service.

has there been a single grumpy one ? NO.
all have been supportive, friendly, and 100% superb.

so clap for the nurses if you want, but PLEASE think at the same time of all the others who provide such a reassuring and great support service as well.

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