2013 Wagon Tour

Started by Alex, April 02, 2013, 06:28:57 PM

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Is there going to be a 2013 wagon tour?

Alex :wave:


There certainly is Alex :thumbsup:

What isnt so sure though is what type of rail vehicle it will be this time round....

We dont know wether to do a Coach/Wagon/Flatbed with Road Vehicle Load (painted in NSE!!!) or what.

Tank is deciding on what to do rolling stock wise and there is a layout list somewhere.
Tank if your reading this, please bump the thread so Alex can get up to speed.

Sorry Alex, im using the i phone so finding it hard to post a link.....

Proud New Owner of Old Warren Traction Maintenance Depot Layout.

http://www.c58lg.co.uk/  http://www.c60pg.co.uk/


Bumped it and asked for it to be made a Sticky  :thumbsup:

Here's the ink:- http://www.ngaugeforum.co.uk/SMFN/index.php?topic=11697.0



Topic locked as original question has been answered
Just one Pendolino, give it to me, a beautiful train, from Italy

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