Your worst injury...

Started by lionwing, May 28, 2013, 09:55:07 AM

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I have had a few accidents over the years, but the silliest was cleaning a lawn mower. I balanced on its handle and cleaned the crud off the cylinder of blades. I then pressed the trigger with my foot to spin it round. The torque of the motor caused it to overbalanced and I put my hand out to stop it falling. 2 finger ends disappeared into the grass. I had to drive to the Accident Hospital (we had one then) to get it seen to. They dressed the wounds and asked if I had had a tetanus shot recently. I said I hadn't . When I awoke the next morning, one arm had swollen so it resembled Popeye's. I had forgotten that I had a booster about 3 months previously, after my previous accident. The worst part was the large number of crows that gathered on the garden fence every time I went out to mow the lawn.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.

Bob Tidbury

Malc you do know that you can buy wild bird food in supermarkets  and pet shops  it might be a little less painful for you if not your bank balance.
Hope you are fit and well now and have learnt to unplug the mower BEFORE making any adjustments  or cleaning .


Quote from: Bob Tidbury on January 08, 2015, 12:17:32 PM
Malc you do know that you can buy wild bird food in supermarkets and pet shops  it might be a little less painful for you if not your bank balance.




Ok worset injury ive had was slicing my thumb open with a knife, was building a Airifx Messerschmitch Bf109-e3 and cutting the wings out, and as always i cut towards me, put to much force on the knife and the it slipped and decided to cut my thumb open with a nice cut,  so i went wrapped it in a tissue to try ang clog it, then put a plaster on, and went back to wrking on the model

another one was years ago when i was building a GMC truck kit by airfix, ans superglued my thumb and index fingure togeather,

then another superglue incident, i was helping my dad make a model slipway 1:24 fishing boat and i dropped superglue on my jeans, i said argh my aunts gonna kill me, he said, why,  i spilled superglue on my jeans, i said, he turned round and said itll burn, no it wont i said, this was quickly replied by me with AARRRGGHHHHH YOU BU$$3R  and it did burn a bit

as for non modeling injures, i went speedway when i was a kid, and saw some older kids runniong behind the cow shed, (grandstand) so i copied and ran head first in to a brick wall and bust my nose, another from when i was kid, was when i first used a iron, and wanted to see if it ws hot so i put my right hand ahaisnt it and soon found out it was hot, and had large blister for a few days

also sprained my left wrist in primary school whihc was a b$££$@r for me as im left handed, so kinda fell ebhind on work (plus i was eaisly distracted so behind anyways)

list is endless for me, but mainly cuts, brusises, and superglued hands



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