What is your oldest model?

Started by anselm, September 27, 2011, 10:17:51 AM

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What is your oldest model?

This is my OO gauge Trix Twin Pacific 2581 "Neil Gow" that was originally owned by an uncle.  I do not have an accurate date for manufacture; the engine style dates from the late 1930s but, according to the TTR Collectors Association website, 12v DC models dated from the mid 1950s.  It was a three rail system with the centre rail as a common return, the pickups are visible under the loco.  Not very realistic compared to todays models!



My oldest locos are either my two Piko models or my Atlas first generation diesel with plunger pick ups. They probably date from 1967/68.


Quote from: poliss on September 27, 2011, 12:56:47 PM
My oldest locos are either my two Piko models or my Atlas first generation diesel with plunger pick ups. They probably date from 1967/68.

I got one a bit like that....

This one is about the same age....
If it's got rails... you have my full, undivided attention - Steam, diesel and electric, 'tis all good !



I have a couple of Farish Holden tanks (1970s), and a couple of kit built locos that are probably early 1970, plus some ABS/Beaver Mark 1 coaches which are amazingly up to the standard of, if not better, than all but the latest Mark 1 coaches.

Possibly the oldest may be one of the Highfield bits - the Manchester liner containers and the like. Not sure when they first came out ?
"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


My oldest is a secondhand Hornby OO 0-4-0 "Nellie", a little blue tank engine like the one i had on my layout when i was 10. So i guess it is about 38 years old then.

My oldest N gauge is a Farish Western Gauntlet from about 1994. When i bought it i had no idea it would start an obsession with N gauge!

I'm a personality prototype... you can tell, can't you.


I wonder if the old Atlas plunger locos make the track cleaner or dirtier as the go round?


Mine is a Hornby Dublo Duchess of Atholl,a christmas present in 1949,62 years ago.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


Quote from: poliss on September 27, 2011, 06:26:28 PM
I wonder if the old Atlas plunger locos make the track cleaner or dirtier as the go round?
they make it much dirtier ! My guess is that because wheels are round (obviously ! ::)) there is less chance of an arc occuring, but the contacts are scraping the top of the rail causing scratches and long arcs - bit like a bumper car pick up.
If it's got rails... you have my full, undivided attention - Steam, diesel and electric, 'tis all good !



My oldest loco is an Atlas Alco RS11 that was made by Kato in 1986. still runs as smooth and quiet as a brand new loco.
Keep on Smiling

R M Williams

My oldest is a TriaAng TT gauge Jinty that was given to me as a Christmas present in 1958, I was four.  I am told by my Mum that I spent most of the day in tears because I could not get near the train set because my father and uncle spent the whole day playing with it and largely excluded me.  If this happened now I suppose I'd phone Social Services (!!).

My oldest N Gauge loco is a Peco Jubilee that I bought about 1987 or 88.  It's just been converted to DCC and runs very well, but rarely.



The Tri-ang Jinty was 38/0d. Quite expensive in those days. http://www.tri-angtt.org.uk/tankloco.htm


My oldest models would be two Lone Star Treble-0-Lectric diesel locos - a Baby Deltic and a class 24 - from the early 1960s. My oldest modern N Gauge loco is a Wrenn/Lima AL6 electric loco, which dates from 1967, I think.


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