Cataracts, not a waterfall!

Started by petercharlesfagg, November 13, 2014, 07:49:12 PM

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Hello, I had my new lens fitted back in August-Brilliant!. I decided I couldn`t stand a needle being inserted into my eye,so I was knocked out. When I came round I had a plastic patch over my eye, this had to stay on for 14 nights. I had 5 weeks off work, as I wasn`t allowed to drive, bend down or lean my head forward, as this could result in blood rushing to my eye.I still waiting for my other eye to be operated on . Hope all goes well for you .P.s NO alcohol.


When I went to the opticians for my annual commercial drivers licence medical she told me that I had cataracts but said I would probably be dead by the time anything needed to be done about it!
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


Quote from: Toneeze on November 14, 2014, 07:46:09 PM
Hello, I had my new lens fitted back in August-Brilliant!. I decided I couldn`t stand a needle being inserted into my eye,so I was knocked out. When I came round I had a plastic patch over my eye, this had to stay on for 14 nights. I had 5 weeks off work, as I wasn`t allowed to drive, bend down or lean my head forward, as this could result in blood rushing to my eye.I still waiting for my other eye to be operated on . Hope all goes well for you .P.s NO alcohol.

SWMBO had a few drops in her eye - no needles - no general anaesthetic. Op took 25 mins. Walked out of the op with no patch - no nothing - and was doing the washing up by 10-30am. Follow up is a few drops in her eyes for 2 or 3 weeks followed by a checkup. She didn't feel a thing during the op although she felt it was all a bit strange.

I suppose different hospitals/locations use different techniques.

Size matters - especially if you don't have a lot of space - and N gauge is the answer!

Bob Austin


Well, I had the worse cataract that you can have, apparently there are 3. I was told that the oeration wasn`t straight forward,but it went well and took about 30 mins.I know I should have done it earlier. :thankyousign:


Quote from: steve836 on November 14, 2014, 07:48:12 PM
When I went to the opticians for my annual commercial drivers licence medical she told me that I had cataracts but said I would probably be dead by the time anything needed to be done about it!
That could be comforting news, or not, depending on your general health.
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


My friends,

Sincerest thanks for those who responded, I feel less lonely!

The operation is less daunting reading about others experiences.

All we have to do now is wait, who knows when an operation will be on the cards?  According to the optometrist it may be another year before I HAVE to get things changed!

Many thanks Peter.
Each can do but little, BUT if each did that little, ALL would be done!

Life is like a new sewer pipe, what you get out of it depends on what you put into it!

A day without laughter is a day wasted!


Quote from: austinbob on November 14, 2014, 08:09:14 PM
SWMBO had a few drops in her eye - no needles - no general anaesthetic.

If you get drops in your eye Peter, they will be more than likely cocaine drops.  I have had them on numerous occasions when I needed an injection into my eye, I felt nothing at all  :thumbsup:

cheers John.


I'm waiting for an eye operation at the moment.

I have a tear on my retina and all straight lines are distorted as if someone has smeared them sideways with a finger.

I have'nt driven for some weeks now.

The op. consists of injecting a bubble of gas into my eye to hold the tear in place while it hopefully heals,I've got to keep looking down all the time for seven weeks after the op so that the gas bubble stays in place,I can rest for ten minutes every hour to eat,wash etc. so I'm not looking forward to it at all.

Oh,and a cataract will be removed at the same time,should all happen sometime early in the new year.

I'm not a complete idiot..some bits are missing.


Quote from: Bikeracer on November 15, 2014, 05:15:11 PM
I'm waiting for an eye operation at the moment.

I have a tear on my retina and all straight lines are distorted as if someone has smeared them sideways with a finger.

I have'nt driven for some weeks now.

The op. consists of injecting a bubble of gas into my eye to hold the tear in place while it hopefully heals,I've got to keep looking down all the time for seven weeks after the op so that the gas bubble stays in place,I can rest for ten minutes every hour to eat,wash etc. so I'm not looking forward to it at all.

Oh,and a cataract will be removed at the same time,should all happen sometime early in the new year.


Hi Allan

That looks like a real chore for seven weeks. I hope it all turns out successfully.

My wife had a detached retina which was fixed by laser surgery. Very frightening for her at the time. Now she's got cataracts but one has now been fixed without any drama and she'll probably have the other attended to after Xmas.

Good luck and hang in there

Size matters - especially if you don't have a lot of space - and N gauge is the answer!

Bob Austin


Quote from: Bikeracer on November 15, 2014, 05:15:11 PM
I'm waiting for an eye operation at the moment.

I have a tear on my retina and all straight lines are distorted as if someone has smeared them sideways with a finger.

I have'nt driven for some weeks now.

The op. consists of injecting a bubble of gas into my eye to hold the tear in place while it hopefully heals,I've got to keep looking down all the time for seven weeks after the op so that the gas bubble stays in place,I can rest for ten minutes every hour to eat,wash etc. so I'm not looking forward to it at all.

Oh,and a cataract will be removed at the same time,should all happen sometime early in the new year.


Allan, thank you for adding this information, it makes my problems quite small in comparison!

Cannot imagine looking down all that time, I have only spent a week looking at the ground to stop myself falling over because the world has been moving without any control from myself!

I am sure I speak for many in that we are all behind you and when the strain of doing what you have to do gets too much, we expect you to turn to us for back-up?

Regards, Peter.
Each can do but little, BUT if each did that little, ALL would be done!

Life is like a new sewer pipe, what you get out of it depends on what you put into it!

A day without laughter is a day wasted!


Hi Peter - have only just read your various  messages nearly all of which reflect my experience. Had one eye done under local about 6 weeks ago and hope for the other to be done before Xmas - Have a pre op check on 1st December.
Only problem I found was the long delay between referral to hospital [in March] and wait for op. Its very slow and delayed in this part of the country so I hope its a different story where you are.
Cheers and hope all goes well for you.
John k


I have just had my left eye done, the right was done two years ago. No injections on either occasion, just swabbed with anesthetic. Whilst the op was taking place my face was covered with a sheet which had a hole for the eye they were operating on, a bright light was shone in to the eye so I could not see anything or feel anything. Post op 4 weeks of drops and a eye patch at night for a week amongst other things. You will be given a card with the does and dont's and the timetable for the drops. I could drive after the second op but not after the first one, and you have to wait six weeks before you can have an eye test for new glasses. Initially the vision is very bright in the operated eye but it does tone down a bit in the first six weeks. When you have the second one done make sure to ask that the implant is for the same distance as the first, i.e., you don't end up with distance vision in one eye and close up in the other. I only need glasses for reading now, where before I needed them for both distance and reading as one eye was short sighted and the other long sighted. A very quick and painless procedure, and well worth it.



No problem for me, looking down for a few weeks, as I have to do this all the time, as many of the local dog owners fail to scoop the poop! Personally, I always pick up my own dogs poop correctly, but also sometimes other dogs poop, by treading in it!
Sorry to lower the tone!
Still not convinced that I can go through with the op, but if they knock me out, should cope with that. I have a resistance to local anaesthetics, which meant I felt everything when I had a carpal tunnel op - very 18th century. I don't bother with any local when I have teeth worked on by dentist, as I will have got home before the local kicks in.

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