Why Did You Choose to Model N Gauge?.

Started by longbridge, November 22, 2011, 10:06:14 PM

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This sad and sorry mess is the last mortal remains of my last Treble -O-Lectric baby deltic. And yes, i have noticed that the wheel less bogie is upside down. Not really worth restoration, I keep it for auld lang syne.  :( I know DJ are bringing one out next year (Not for 42/- I'll bet. Hattons quoting £98) but its not a type I woulkd be interested in. Given the choice and the ability to travel back 40 years, I would have kept one of the Class 24's I had. This one actually survived by pure chance. when i moved house in 1970, I left a large cardboard carton full of many things including a large stock of Spares for Treble-O-Lectric. This wasn't deliberate but by the time i realised, we had surrendered the keys and the buildings were getting ready for demolition. The scrap metal thieves were making free and it would have been dangerous to go back. not least because El fuzz were taking an interest in the area.


@violets49   Here you go:   a bunch of Treble-O-Lectric loco wheels on eBay:


A bit late if you've decided the loco isn't worth restoring, but just to illustrate the spares do turn up  (in case anyone else is looking).
Nick.   2021 celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Königshafen" exhibition layout!


Well, who knows. It would only ever be a cosmetic restoration as after forty odd years the motor is probably badly in need of remagnetising. A;so need a bit of restoration work, a strip down and repaint. never say never! :)


Like most people I assume its the space available. With more
space I would probably be into OO, with a larger range of
models at not much more cost.Also kit making would be
much easier (ex Airfix modeller years ago).


With more space I'd just have a bigger layout and longer N gauge trains :D

The Q

I didn't, well not entirely ???, An N gauge layout became available and I realised my EM gauge Layout would be a bit limiting for Shows. The owner had died :'(, and It wasn't the area ( Scottish Highlands and Island) or interests  the widow modelled in ( London Over ground). So I offered to buy it, and was given the layout.  :no:


I have modelled in many scales (4mm, 3mm and 3/16 scale) and have even contemplated 7mm scale. (Too expensive!) I like maritime models and 2mm is better for shipping. I have also been facinated by small (2mm) layouts like Swanhaven and Inversnecky. and the models created by Harold and Bert Groves. As mentioned before, my initial entry to 2mm (OOO) scale was with the Treble-O-Lectric system from Lone Star but due to lack of experioece I didn't utilise the advantages of the scale. In 1969, i attended the 'Model Rail Scotland' show in the MacLellan Galleries in Glasgow and saw REL railway modelling at first hand. This was the third MR Scotland show but IO had no idea where the 'MacLellan Galleries' were. When I plucked up the courage tpo ask, I was astounded to discover that they were only round the corner from the shop that I had bought my Lone star stuff from. I decided to call in for half an hour and ended up going all three days. I have never missed a 'Model Rail Scotland show since. These days I spend at laest two days at the show working on a stand and pay in on the third. But going back to that first show, I remember that the first layout I clapped eyes on was an 'O' gauge Southern layout but the star of the show, was Richard Chown's 'Kyle of Lochalsh' layout in 'O' complete with three MacBraynes paddle steamers. I immediately went home and began to build a model of Kyle in 'N' scale operated by Minitrix Class 27 diesels. and with a fleet of scratch built MacBraynes Buses. It was crap but FUN! I still have the class 27's albiet much rebuilt and they are still running just fine after all these years (They will be 50 years old in two years time.) Theres been a lot of water up the sound of sleat since then and my intrests have come south a bit to Mallaig after I discovered the West Highland Line but its still fun (And hopefully not quite so crap!) But tats not ny only intrests. I discovered Sussex and the bluebell Railway by accident a decade ago and am now a big LB&SCR fan and theres also my Caernarfonshire roots and my obsession with Ivatt 2-6-2Tanks,. So who knows what the future brings! Now, what was the question again? Oh yes, whay did I chose N scale? I don't know!  :laugh:


PS. I did recently consider 'T' scale but I suffer from severe bouts of sneezing...  ;D

The Q

God created and all it contains....
But the Hebridies,
They belong to Macbraynes..


Haha! :thumbsup: There are several versions of that wee rhyme. the one I know is

"To the lord belongs the earth and all that it contains.
Excepting the Western Isles and they belong unto MacBraynes."

I don't think they were meant with affection. It is also said that the MacBraynes were in the bible on account of old Noah MacBrayne running a livestock transportation racket. :laugh   :laugh:


It was my brothers idea as you can get more on your layout because of the size but at times I wish I was doing 00 gauge when I was building the layout because of it's size and my eyesight also working on my locos as well with converting them to dcc but all in all as my layout is nearly finished with I'm very pleased that I have stuck with n gauge  :claphappy: :claphappy:  :claphappy:


I'm a 'minimalist' I try to put as LITTLE on a layout as I can get away with (And still have a workable layout). As to why I chose 'N' scale? I suppose it seemed like a good idea at the time!  :laugh:( Also, it was easier to HIDE)

Nollaig Chreidheil o'r Alba! :beers:


My sister " TOOTS " got me into N gauge, she has some considerable stock . I think it `s becoming an obsession , now where are my Christmas pressies?, there must be some more stock!.  :laugh:
Tony .H


I'm in N gauge for reasons of space, 00 would be my first choice as there
is a much bigger range of models and kits are easier to build, also there
is not a huge price difference between the two gauges.Also N gives the
opportunity to run longer trains as I'm not into shunting puzzles etc.

Stuart Down Under

It is a long time ago, but I started in N gauge just because it was different! In the 1950s my Dad built me a TT layout, and I think he went for it because of the novelty. I started collecting N in 1972, but didn't get around to my first layout until 1980. Then there was a "short" gap, during which I continued collecting everything I might need. I learnt early on that in N gauge, you should buy any model that fits your theme, because it may not be around for long! I finally got a decent railway room a year ago. So my second layout is now well in hand.

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