Unhappy Thread

Started by Caz, August 26, 2015, 10:11:20 PM

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Quote from: MikeDunn on December 16, 2015, 08:29:50 PM
There I am, reading a nice email from work telling me I'm gonna get an end-of-year bonus.

"Hmmm," thinks you, "the muppet's put this in the wrong thread ...! ::)"

"I need a new microwave" comes the cry from downstairs ... ":censored:", thinks me, "that's a chunk gone already :'("

Fast-forward a few days to this morning ... the microwave's arrived & is in place.  Suddenly, we have a power cut ... after an hour with nothing back (unusual ...) I check the house fuses ... all fine.  Call the 'leccy board & nothing's wrong in the area ... they get me to unplug a few things & retry the fuses - power !

Start plugging back & it all blows again ...":censored:" thinks me ..., ":censored: dishwasher's crapped out !!!"

So much for my bonus buying me some toys  :headbutt: :'(
Sad news but - at least you didn't have one of these nasty fires due to a faulty appliance ehhh!
You'll get it sorted in time for Xmas no doubt and I hope you have a good one...  :beers:
Size matters - especially if you don't have a lot of space - and N gauge is the answer!

Bob Austin


Could have been worse, Mike, especially if you'd bought a Hoverboard :worried:


Quote from: austinbob on December 16, 2015, 08:36:00 PM
Sad news but - at least you didn't have one of these nasty fires due to a faulty appliance ehhh!
Well ... the second time, when I was by the damn thing, I did smell something going ... & it weren't me  ::)  Hence the decision not to :censored: around with it any more but to get a new one.

You'll get it sorted in time for Xmas no doubt and I hope you have a good one...  :beers:
Supposed to be good ... John Lewis have promised a morning/early afternoon delivery & removal of the old one for Friday. 

Quote from: newportnobby on December 16, 2015, 08:41:56 PM
Could have been worse, Mike, especially if you'd bought a Hoverboard :worried:
Yeah, I understand they leave muck all over the dishes  :P


Think yourself lucky that in a U.K. household you have 60amps to play with before things trip out.

In Tenerife it is only 40amps and everyone (except holidaymakers) know never to have the dishwasher running at the same time as the washing machine!


Quote from: Tdm on December 16, 2015, 10:58:44 PM
in a U.K. household you have 60amps to play with
I think that 60A is the norm. but you can apply for 100A.
At least that is what I was told 20 odd year ago when I rewired my place, it may have changed maybe even more now ?

I was unhappy because a storm had brought down a 90ft macrocarpa ( one of mine :( ) across the overhead wires, pulling the meter with consumer unit out through the roof, depositing them with chimney brackets etc. down in the back yard :(
I was even more unhappy after I had dug an 80yd trench by hand to put the new feed in, the Utility were happy to supply the new equipment, cables, duct etc. but not the digging !
All's well in the end, it cant get blown down again  ;D


I think we should have a 'sad' thread. 'Misty', (the dog shown in my little picture), our cross collie dog that we have had for nearly 17 years, since she was a pup, had to be put to sleep this afternoon. She had been unwell for the last few days, so just after lunch, I rang the vet'. Fortunately, there was someone there and I was told to bring her down. So I took her down to the vet', he gave her the injection and she is now buried in the garden next to our cross labrador who died a couple of years ago. We have two other dogs, plus the cats, but it is still hard. My wife is almost inconsolable.  :'( but we will get over it. Amazing how pets become part of the family. Sorry, I just wanted to tell someone.   :(
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


I know where you & your wife are ... having lost one of our cats a little while back ...

It's always hard, but especially this time of year, to lose a pet that is pretty much a family member  :(  But better now than at the end of next week, and better she didn't suffer too  :(

Just try & remember the fun times with her (even though this will bring things back hard for a while) and make a fuss of the others a little bit more, as they'll start missing her shortly too.  She looks, in the photo, a lovely collie ...

Bob Tidbury

I feel so sorry for you ,unless you've owned a dog you just wouldn't understand they are part of the family we talk to our one year old dog we call her our little girl and we love her as much as our real children . I even shed a tear because one of our guinea pigs died this morning and I have buried her next to the hutch that her sister lives in so that she will be close by. I still miss our dog Buster who died in September last year , Things will get easier but you never forget them .


Know how tough it is to lose a special family pet.

Sad for you all but you'll have great memories I'm sure.

Good advice from Mike.

All the best.

Dave G


Small beer compared to what is happening to some folks in this rain sodden country, but my mancave (conservatory) has sprung a couple of leaks so it's buckets and towels time. The rain started at about 10am yesterday and is forecast not to stop until around 5am tomorrow. :unimpressed:
I doubt I'll be able to get anyone round to fix them until the New Year so will be keeping a close eye on it.
Luckily, neither of the leaks are actually affecting the layout..........................................yet :worried:

Never mind the mild temperatures - bring on the cold, frosty but calm weather please.


Christmas Eve the downstairs loo innards collapse. I can't shift the bolts so mate comes with angle grinder and grim determination. Two hours later all is well.

Boxing Day morning, no hot water. Either the timer is knackered or it's the immersion itself. My power testing gizmo doesn't work even with new battery.

Hi Ho.  :doh:

Dave G


Bad time to have no hot water, Dave!  :thumbsdown:

Mick, if it makes you feel any better it's not a very nice day here either (Sunday ). 17° and overcast. However I must admit I'd rather have that than some of the 40+ nonsense it sometimes gets up to at this time of year.  :beers:
Vision over visibility. Bono, U2.


Quote from: daveg on December 26, 2015, 11:52:53 AMEither the timer is knackered or it's the immersion itself. My power testing gizmo doesn't work even with new battery.
I am bound to say "Poor Dave" hope you can get it sorted pdq.

How about a light bulb and a bit of flex ? ( Hint: test the light bulb first on a known good cct., been there Tshirt got caught out like that once ! )

On the other hand I also have to say "what's wrong with the kettle ?"
Here in the balmy SW of England we have not used the central heating for several years, saved us a fortune in heating oil !! If this really is global warming, bring it on  :laugh3:


Picked up some sort of lurgy while in the UK or on the way back, need antibiotics to shake it off.

Also, how long will it be until the latest Star Wars hype dies down?

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