Unhappy Thread

Started by Caz, August 26, 2015, 10:11:20 PM

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Christmas    Christmas    Christmas

:Pyou missed
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


Case to transfer a few of these posts to the Happy Thread me thinks  :D



Quote from: steve836 on September 07, 2016, 05:56:03 PM
Christmas    Christmas    Christmas

:Pyou missed
Ve are vatching you and we know where you liff ha haa.


I've comprehensively melted the right side of my GF B1 with a soldering iron. :ouch: :poop: :rain: :headbutt: Luckily the chassis is relatively unharmed and the thing still runs.

So I'm looking at buying a suitable body of a 4-6-0 and rebuilding the tender side with plastic card.

Any suggestions for a suitable body?


I don't/can't go to the cinema any more as the sound is so loud it pounds through my chest and is most uncomfortable.
This is a great shame as Dan Brown's 'Inferno' is out starring Tom Hanks. Having visited at least 2 of the locations where it was filmed I could follow the book and sort of 'know where I was'
The book itself is an incredibly good read with very disturbing undertones. I guess I'll just have to wait for the DVD :(

lil chris

I have the opposite problem I can hardly hear stuff on the TV, it is either too quiet or too loud when the adverts come on.
Lil Chris
My new layout  East Lancashire Railway
My old layout was Irwell Valley Railway.
Layout previous was East Lancashire Lines, changed this new one. My new layout here.


I'm with Chris! Not keen on Dan Brown, though. Started " The Davinci Code" but gave up halfway through. I thought it was a decent story badly written and haven't touched one of his books since.
KISS = Keep it simple stupid


Sympathies, Mick.

I'm sure that cinema sound has got a lot louder since most if not all have gone over to digital kit.

With the TV, we've find the sound level is all over the place with the ads booming out if we're not fast enough to the mute button. Best action is to record and watch later so you can speed through the ads.

Other times I need the sub titles on to follow what's going on with all the mumbling and/or rapid dialogue.

Grief! I'm getting old and don't like it one bit.  :(  :worried: Good job I'll have forgotten all this by tomorrow!  :wave:

Dave G


Quote from: newportnobby on September 30, 2016, 02:35:34 PM
I don't/can't go to the cinema any more as the sound is so loud it pounds through my chest and is most uncomfortable.

Me too. Especially the pre-feature ads which for some unearthly reason are at double volume, or so it seems.

I guess that as Medics suggest younger generations are damaging their hearing listening to music too loudly on their ever-present earphones or in cars or when out 'clubbing' (the latter sounds positively Neanderthal), and it's these same generations that provide most of the audiences at the cinemas, then the proprietors maybe think they need especially loud soundtracks to get the dialogue and diatribe across.

Who knows?

Sufferin' succotash!


I had the same situation at the last concert I went to - Paul Rodgers at Wolverhampton.
The main set was wonderful as you could hear everything so clearly, but for the encore(s) I'm sure the sound engineer just punched the volume up to setting 11 and went for a drink. The waves of noise just made me leave.


So it was you that caused confusion by getting up in the middle of the row in front of me!!
The years have been good to me, it was the weekends that did the damage.


Bugger, balls and  :censored:

I have literally blown my sodding phone up with a grenade!! Long story but doing live house clearance range as safety staff and I forgot my phone in one of the houses and well grenade V a Samsung Galaxy S5 I can now say exclusively say that while they don't explode on charging, they don't react to explosions well either!!
Mechanical issues can be solved with a hammer and electrical problems can be solved with a screw driver. Beyond that it's verbal abuse which makes trains work!!


Quote from: acko22 on October 06, 2016, 07:05:45 PM
Bugger, balls and  :censored:

I have literally blown my sodding phone up with a grenade!! Long story but doing live house clearance range as safety staff and I forgot my phone in one of the houses and well grenade V a Samsung Galaxy S5 I can now say exclusively say that while they don't explode on charging, they don't react to explosions well either!!

Sir, that is really unfortunate, sorry about that I really am.

However I would be lying if I said I didn't just snigger.....



Quote from: acko22 on October 06, 2016, 07:05:45 PM
I have literally blown my sodding phone up with a grenade!! Long story but doing live house clearance range as safety staff and I forgot my phone in one of the houses and well grenade V a Samsung Galaxy S5 I can now say exclusively say that while they don't explode on charging, they don't react to explosions well either!!

PMSL!  :laughabovepost: :laughabovepost: :laughabovepost:


No more roaming charges as it's your phone that's doing the roaming......all over the place :D

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