Much ado about not very much

Started by port perran, July 09, 2018, 08:11:27 PM

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I reckon it's a load of old pasty, complete with carrots. :D
You know you're getting older when your mind makes commitments your body can't meet. Off on a journey


It all sounds a bit fishy to me :)
Looking forward to the series Martin. :thumbsup:
Cheers, Trev.

Time flys like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana!

port perran

"I'll just pop over and check that Mrs Baggs is still in the Creamery shop with Sargeant Reynolds" said Cracker Jacobs as he ran across the street.
Returning, out of puff and somewhat red in the face he blurted to DI Skinner, "Sarge sends his apologies Sir, he's sent Mrs Baggs home. Her friend gave her a lift. She lives up at the Old Bakery on t'other side of the village, bout a mile away".
"That Sargeant of yours is an incompetent fool" retorted the DI, somewhat irritated. "OK go and fetch me your Sergeant, he can come with me into the pub. It's always the best place to find out a bit of infrmation. Off you go lad and hirry up will you".
Cracker raced off, returning a few minutes later with Sergeant Reynolds. Immediately the DI and Reynolds entered the Railway Arms behind a somewhat unwholesome and doubtful looking fellow who had beaten them to the door.

Meanwhile Mrs Baggs had arrived back at The Old Bakery with her friend. Relieved to be home, and looking forward to a cup of tea and a few of her favourite Lincoln Cream biscuits she gently unlocked the door.
"Oh what's this laying on the mat?" She said the her friend, Molly Smith. "Old Tom the postman came at 6.45 this morning as usual. In fact he brought the gas bill, worse luck. He didn't bring any other letters. Someone must have slipped this through the letterbox whilst I was out".
Mrs Baggs turned the white envelope over and over, studying it carefully. The only thing written on the outside was her name,Mrs Baggs, written very neatly in capital letters.
"Whatever can it be?" Said Mrs Baggs to her friend.
"Well, the only way to find out is to open it" replied Molly Smith.
Gingerly, and very carefully, Mrs Baggs opened the envelope. Inside was a single sheet of white paper which she read studiously before turning very, very pale...............
The next moment she had fainted. Luckily Molly, being quite a stout, well built lady, managed to catch Mrs Baggs in her arms thus avoiding a nasty fall and possible injury.

I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


Isn't the usual comment at this stage "the plot thickens"... :)
Quando omni flunkus moritati

My layout thread - Hambleside East:
My workbench thread:


Quote from: talisman56 on July 12, 2018, 06:35:17 PM
Isn't the usual comment at this stage "the plot thickens"... :)

I thought it was "the thot plickens"   :D
layout here
Claywell, High Hackton & Bampney Intro
Hackton info
Bampney info

port perran

Quote from: Caz on July 12, 2018, 07:52:15 PM
Quote from: talisman56 on July 12, 2018, 06:35:17 PM
Isn't the usual comment at this stage "the plot thickens"... :)

I thought it was "the thot plickens"   :D, I thought it was the thick plottens  :D
I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.

port perran

DI Dave Skinner and Sergeant Reynolds walked up to the bar of the Railway Inn and waited until the somewhat shady character who had preceeded them into the bar had been served.
The two officers watched the customer order his pint of Best Bitter before selecting a seat in the corner of the bar.
"Yes officers" said Albert Treleigh who had been landlord of the Railway Inn for some 25 years, " how can I help you?".
"We are just making some enquiries about this morning's little incident at the 'phone box",replied Dave Skinner, "Have you heard about what happened?".
"This is a small village", replied the landlord, "Of course I've heard about what happened. If you ask me that nosey old so and so has had it coming to her. She pokes her nose into everyone's business whether they like it or not".
"Are you saying you know who's behind all this?" Added Sergeant Reynolds.
"I didn't say that" retorted Albert Treleigh, "It's just that people don't generally like the old bag".
With that the customer who was at the bar when the two officers entered finished his drink and with a furtive glance at the two policemen, made his way outside without a word to anyone.
"Who was that fellow?" Asked DI Sinner.
"Oh that's young Tommy Rowe" replied the landlord, "never has much to say. He's a bit backward if you ask me. His Dad is  the local coal merchant. Tommy often comes in for a wuick pint but hardly ever speaks to anyone"
"Where has he gone now?" Enquired Sarge Reynolds.
"Oh, he'll be catching the 12.10 train to Newquay" replied the landlord, "Meets his young lassie over there. More fool her but she sees something in the lunatic"
"Thanks for your help" said the DI, "We may be in touch again".
With that the two officers left the pub and headed over to the railway station.
I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.

cornish yorkie

 :hellosign:  Gosh, whatever was written on the paper? waiting patiently  :angel:
    many thanks Martin
   regards Derek. 

port perran

Quote from: cornish yorkie on July 13, 2018, 08:51:10 PM
:hellosign:  Gosh, whatever was written on the paper? waiting patiently  :angel:
    many thanks Martin
   regards Derek.
Thanks Derek, You'll have to wait a bit longer I'm afraid.
I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.


Aw c'mon. If you spent less time playing with your trains and more on writing, we could all get on and read a good story, instead, we are kept waiting on tenterhooks for the next instalment! I appreciate the likes of Peter James only writes one 'Roy Grace' novel a year, but at least we get a full length novel in one go!  ;)
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.


Is this an investigation within a case? ???
You know you're getting older when your mind makes commitments your body can't meet. Off on a journey

port perran

I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.

port perran

Mrs Baggs quicky came around and soon recovered with a cup of very sweet tea which her friend Molly Smith made for her.
Molly was one of the few people who called Mrs Baggs by her first name of Beryl.
"So Beryl" said Molly, "Are you going to tell me what was in that note which came through the door?"
"Oh it was horrible"' stammered Mrs Baggs, "After the incident in the telephone box, this is awful".
"So can I see it?" Asked Molly as she took the single sheet of paper from Mrs Baggs. She slowly read through the note which was written in very scrawly capital letters...
"Oh Molly, what shall I do" said Mrs Baggs in a very shaky voice.
"We must tell DI Skinner straight away" replied Molly, "Ring him now".
With that Mrs Baggs picked up the phone.
I'm sure I'll get used to cream first soon.

Chris in Prague

Now it's more serious, D.I. Skinner will have to investigate.


Not only do we get the story in instalments, the instalments are getting smaller!  :o  :)
I used to be indecisive - now I'm not - I don't think.
If a friend seems distant, catch up with them.

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