Bassett Parkway

Started by Ditape, November 08, 2021, 12:04:14 AM

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I am starting a new project, I have scrapped my grandiose plans which never seem to work well in favour of a smaller simple layout using Kato track, The plan is for a simple layout that fits on 2, 4ft X 2ft 6ins boards.(2440mm X 762mm) . It will be set in the west country centred on a fictional  commuter station Bassett Parkway, It will be very much a rule ONE layout with the main focus on 60/70's but will have all sorts of guest appearances by stock from the 40's thru' to today. The main aim is to sit and watch trains go by in a reasonably realistic setting.

Diane Tape


That looks like a nice little layout.

I hope you haven't scrapped your American outline layout. That was looking really good.




Quote from: Papyrus on November 08, 2021, 10:55:30 AM
I hope you haven't scrapped your American outline layout. That was looking really good.
No the  American layout is still a on going project but on their back burner,  my American MoJo has got up and left the building.  ::)
Diane Tape


good luck with your new layout!


I have had a busy day at the Club (BMRG) I have built the baseboards for Bassett Parkway, it not to bad a job if I say so myself  :bounce: .I saved a small fortune over any of the laser cut kits which would have set me back somewhere around £300 This cost me about £50 and 6 & 1/2 hours work at the club, having plenty of space to work and access to a wide range of tools has improved my wood butchery no end. One word of warning if you give Gorilla glue a try wear gloves it stains your fingers Black.

Diane Tape


Hi Ditape,

Nice and neat looking woodwork there  :thumbsup:. and looking forward to your build.

Cheers, weave  :beers:


Today I have installed the baseboards for Bassett Parkway, and believe it or not they are within 1//2 a degree of flat and level in both planes.

Diane Tape


Here is a proof of concept, experimental try out using stuff from my stock pile.

Diane Tape


The track has been laid, ready for wiring and testing.

Diane Tape


That looks great, must be some stockpile......


" my wood butchery"

@Ditape , you definition and mine of wood butchery are no where near the same.

looks to me like a superb case of carpentry  :laugh3:


The first traffic movement on Bassett Parkway, it is a US loco but it was the first loco that came to hand.
Diane Tape


Looking good!.. Did you ad brick detail to the Kato platforms? 


Quote from: grumbeast on November 19, 2021, 04:15:16 PM
Looking good!.. Did you ad brick detail to the Kato platforms?
Yes I have added the brick/ashlar details to the platform sides and the paving and edging to the surfaces, they are scalescenes textures downloaded and printed on A4 self-adhesive labels.
Diane Tape


Hadn't thought of printing my scalescenes stuff onto self adhesive labels, thats a great idea!

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