The angry thread

Started by findus, March 29, 2011, 09:42:45 PM

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Blimey.... most of my rants covered by last few postings.

One of my grouches is not getting served in pubs especially my
local Weathered Spoons in Paisley where staff do anything but serve
you. Only reason I go in is because its convenient for the station
and their prices for real ale aren't bad, also the other nearby pubs
are absolute pits. Knowing of the bad service I once went in and
stood at the bar , after about 15 minutes a man in a suit appeared
behind me on the public side of the bar and said "Can I help you?"
I ordered a pint and he looked surprised and asked why have you been
there so long and I told him the staff were ignoring me, he called
one of them over and asked them to serve me and said "Happy now?"
Nothing is certain but death and taxes -Benjamin Franklin


I see the Lancashire police have tasered a 61 year old blind man after they thought his white stick was a samurai sword :jawdropping: :smackedface:

You couldn't make it up, could you :o


Twice in one week for me?  :hmmm:

Why is it every time something happens on my uncles computer its my fault? he keeps trying to get me to fix it and making it seem like its my fault in the first place grrrrrrr  :veryangry:
OK who took my cake?


Quote from: newportnobby on October 17, 2012, 06:39:39 PM
I see the Lancashire police have tasered a 61 year old blind man after they thought his white stick was a samurai sword :jawdropping: :smackedface:

You couldn't make it up, could you :o

Yes I can  ;)

Once upon a time I saw Lancashire police .............. 

:smiley-laughing:  :smiley-laughing:  :smiley-laughing:  :smiley-laughing:


Quote from: Matthew-peter on October 17, 2012, 08:20:33 PM
Twice in one week for me?  :hmmm:
Why is it every time something happens on my uncles computer its my fault? he keeps trying to get me to fix it and making it seem like its my fault in the first place grrrrrrr  :veryangry:

These will not stop your evil uncle but they may give you some satisfaction  ;)

Next time tell him it is a:

PICNIC error - Problem in chair not in computer


ID-10T error - Idiot error

The second one is my preferred insult  :thumbsup:

cheers John.


 :laughabovepost: Thanks for those, Will try the second one first I think  ;D
OK who took my cake?


Tell him he;s entitled to complain about all the work he's paid for & is unhappy about ...  :smiley-laughing: :smiley-laughing: :smiley-laughing: >:D


Quote from: newportnobby on October 17, 2012, 10:24:38 AM
Why can't we be allowed to run into them/knock them out of the way? It should be considered the new National Sport, and Open Season declared :veryangry2:

You are I'm sure. A judicious swing of the shopping bag over the shoulder as the cyclist rides past from behind you is a good way to score maximum points.

I do have a lot of sympathy for those who ride sensibly on the pavement at lowish speeds even though they shouldn't. A lot of our roads are just too dangerous for anything but a tank.
"Knowledge has no value or use for the solitary owner: to be enjoyed it must be communicated" -- Charles Pratt, 1st Earl Camden


Quote from: EtchedPixels on October 17, 2012, 09:27:09 PM
Quote from: newportnobby on October 17, 2012, 10:24:38 AM
Why can't we be allowed to run into them/knock them out of the way? It should be considered the new National Sport, and Open Season declared :veryangry2:

You are I'm sure. A judicious swing of the shopping bag over the shoulder as the cyclist rides past from behind you is a good way to score maximum points.

I do have a lot of sympathy for those who ride sensibly on the pavement at lowish speeds even though they shouldn't. A lot of our roads are just too dangerous for anything but a tank.
When they start paying road tax the same as car drivers do then cyclists will get some respect from me :veryangry:
John A GOM personified
N Gauge can seriously damage your wealth.
Never force things. Just use a bigger hammer
Electronically and spelling dyslexic 
Re: Grainge & Hodder baseboards


 :veryangry: :veryangry: :veryangry: Cyclists  :veryangry: :veryangry: :veryangry:

Every Saturday morning at 7am I drive to my mates second hand model train shop and groups of cyclists ride 2 ans 3 abreast along two lane roads with a queue of cars behind  :veryangry: :veryangry: :veryangry:

They have no regard for the road rules, for example they wont stop at pedestrian crossings, they block complete lane's on multi lane roads, don't give hand signals, they ride through red lights if there is no traffic coming and like to think they have a law all to themselves  :veryangry: :veryangry: :veryangry:

They should have to register their bikes like a motor cycle including fitting of a registration plates front and rear, get a special licence and be fined for breach of road rules the same as a motorist including licence cancellation and vehicle seasure  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I would love the job of crushing their bikes for the ones that had them confiscated  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

They have the cheek to complain that motorists don't show them any road respect, all I can say to that is respect works both ways chum.
Keep on Smiling


Quote from: oldrailbug on October 18, 2012, 09:09:54 PM
:veryangry: :veryangry: :veryangry: Cyclists  :veryangry: :veryangry: :veryangry:

Every Saturday morning at 7am I drive to my mates second hand model train shop and groups of cyclists ride 2 ans 3 abreast along two lane roads with a queue of cars behind  :veryangry: :veryangry: :veryangry:

They have no regard for the road rules, for example they wont stop at pedestrian crossings, they block complete lane's on multi lane roads, don't give hand signals, they ride through red lights if there is no traffic coming and like to think they have a law all to themselves  :veryangry: :veryangry: :veryangry:

They should have to register their bikes like a motor cycle including fitting of a registration plates front and rear, get a special licence and be fined for breach of road rules the same as a motorist including licence cancellation and vehicle seasure  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I would love the job of crushing their bikes for the ones that had them confiscated  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

They have the cheek to complain that motorists don't show them any road respect, all I can say to that is respect works both ways chum.

couldn't agree more.
near here the council built a cycle track to get cyclists off the busy road, and where do the lycra clad, helmets on handlebar, cretins ride .....

that's right, on the road, weaving in and out of the potholes that could have been repaired with the money wasted on the cycle track.

and why does the dopy sod that dawdles along always start peddling like hell as soon as you try to overtake him ??


hi all  :wave:

couldn't agree more about these lycra clad morons who think they own the roads
more so when they insist on riding 2 abrest with the same wheel track as a HGV  :veryangry:  :veryangry:  :veryangry:

but please if you come across any cycle club outings in the West Lancashire area don't try bullying them  ???
because they carry video cameras and will pass on to the police any footage of "road rage"  >:(
as my mate found out to his cost (£50 fine and 3 points)  :o  :o

dave  :thumbsup:


No green votes from NGF at the next General Election then  :confused1:  :D


I can agree that there are a lot of cyclists that are idiots, but as someone who used to cycle 25 miles a day to and from work, I had lots of idiots who drove cars and nearly made me have an accident.  One of the stupidest was a woman in a jeep who overtook me, then stopped in the middle of the main road.  Suddenly the passenger door opened and a 6 year old boy jumped out into the cycle lane.  I slammed on my brakes and just missed the poor lad.

I don't agree with cyclists having to pay road tax.  I'm not allowed to cycle on the pavement (and they are strict in Croydon), so I'm forced to ride on the road - and quite rightly so.  I would be quite happy to ride on an old muddy track or road (as were abundant when bikes were invented), but because of cars we have to have tarmac on the roads, and so the vehicles that need it should pay for it!   :P  :D


Quotebut please if you come across any cycle club outings in the West Lancashire area don't try bullying them 
because they carry video cameras and will pass on to the police any footage of "road rage" 
as my mate found out to his cost (£50 fine and 3 points)   

:hmmm: :hmmm: I wonder if it works the other way around, if a passenger in a car videoed bad cyclists.....? I doubt it - no way of tracking them because bicycles aren't registered like cars!  >:(
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